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How Well Do You Handle Stress as a CEO?
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When you're facing a high-pressure deadline, what's your first move?
A. Make a prioritized to-do list and start working through it.
B. Delegate tasks to lighten your load.
C. Take a deep breath and try to power through.
D. Panic a little, then dive in.
How often do you take breaks during a busy day?
A. I schedule regular breaks to recharge.
B. I take a break when I feel I need one.
C. Breaks? Who has time for those?
D. I try to, but I often forget or get too busy.
How do you typically handle last-minute changes to a big project?
A. Adapt quickly and communicate the changes to my team.
B. I delegate what I can and focus on the new priorities.
C. I feel a bit stressed but push through.
D. I get overwhelmed but do my best to adjust.
How often do you find yourself thinking about work after hours?
A. Rarely, I’ve learned how to disconnect.
B. Occasionally, but I try to focus on other things.
C. Quite often, it’s hard to shut off my brain.
D. Constantly, I can’t stop thinking about work.
What’s your go-to method for managing stress?
A. Exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
B. Talking it out with a trusted colleague or mentor.
C. Pushing through the work until it’s done.
D. I don’t really have a method, I just handle it.
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When your team faces a crisis, how do you react?
A. Stay calm and lead by example.
B. Rally the team and delegate tasks based on strengths.
C. Focus on solving the problem myself.
D. Stress out but do my best to find a solution.
How well do you sleep when you’re stressed about work?
A. I still manage to sleep well, I prioritize rest.
B. I may lose a little sleep, but I can usually rest enough.
C. Sleep is difficult when I’m stressed.
D. I barely sleep at all when there’s work stress.
How do you handle multiple deadlines hitting at once?
A. I break them down into manageable tasks and get to work.
B. I delegate the workload and manage what I can.
C. I tend to work long hours to meet them all.
D. I panic but try to get everything done.
How often do you delegate tasks to manage your workload?
A. Frequently, it’s essential for stress management.
B. Occasionally, but I try to manage most things myself.
C. Rarely, I like to stay in control.
D. I feel guilty delegating, so I do it less often than I should.
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed at work?
A. I step back, assess the situation, and break it down.
B. I ask for help or delegate more to my team.
C. I push through and keep going.
D. I panic and struggle to regain control.
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